Prafull Swarnkar's profile

Food & Grocery Delivery App Redesign

Problem Statement
The existing user experience of the Move food and grocery delivery app poses significant challenges for elderly users, hindering their ability to navigate the application effectively and place orders seamlessly. Key issues include the absence of a clear category option, inadequate color differentiations, and a limited selection of icons. These deficiencies contribute to frustration and difficulty in comprehending the app's interface, ultimately impeding the elderly demographic from utilizing Move's services efficiently. Addressing these usability issues is critical to ensuring an inclusive and user-friendly experience for all demographics, particularly the elderly, within the Move app ecosystem.
The redesign aims to address these pain points and create a more user-friendly experience.
Problem Solution
To address the usability challenges faced by elderly users in navigating the Move food and grocery delivery app and placing orders, several key solutions have been implemented:

1. Introduce Clear Category Options: Incorporate a prominent and intuitive category selection feature within the app's interface. This could involve grouping products into distinct categories such as "Fruits & Vegetables," "Dairy & Eggs," "Meat & Seafood," etc. This clear categorization facilitates easier navigation and quicker access to desired items, reducing cognitive load for elderly users.

2. Enhance Color Differentiation: Revise the app's color scheme to improve visual contrast and clarity, making it easier for elderly users to distinguish between different sections, buttons, and text. 

3. Optimize Iconography: Expand the selection of icons used throughout the app to include universally recognizable symbols that aid in conveying meaning and functionality. Employing clear and intuitive icons alongside descriptive labels helps elderly users better understand navigation options and actions within the app, reducing confusion and enhancing usability.

4. Implement User-Friendly Interface Design: Redesign the app's interface with a focus on simplicity, clarity, and user-friendliness. Streamline the layout by minimizing clutter, employing consistent design patterns, and prioritizing essential information and functionalities. 

5. Conduct Usability Testing with Elderly Users: Engage elderly individuals in usability testing sessions to gather valuable feedback on their experience with the app and identify specific pain points and areas for improvement. Incorporate user feedback iteratively to refine the app's design and functionality, ensuring that it remains inclusive and accessible to elderly users.
My Role: Solo UX/UI Designer
Design Process
High-fidelity wireframes
Typography and Colors
Old Designs
New Designs (After Usability Testing & Iteration)
Food & Grocery Delivery App Redesign


Food & Grocery Delivery App Redesign
