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4 Ways to Rekindle Your Romantic Spark

By Therese Ptak, Copy Cutie
If you’ve been dating for a while, falling into a routine is natural. Unfortunately, it can leave your love life a bit stale. On the bright side, you can totally reinvigorate your romance and rediscover that passion you had earlier on in your relationship. Here are some ideas on how to get that flame burning again.
Remember your first date? How about that first kiss? Make that happen again. You’ll be nervous and feel silly, but it’ll remind you why you were initially attracted to this person. It’ll also be fun to revisit that very first place you went together and make new memories there. Be sure to leave extra time at the end for some extreme snuggling and some steamy make out sessions.
Nothing makes that spark flicker like some good old-fashioned romance—just give it a twist. Do the little notes, flowers, wine and candlelight thing, and surprise your significant other with it for no reason in particular. Take some time to really re-asses your relationship and all that your partner brings to it, and create a personalized experience that communicates how important they are to you.
Get out of your comfort zone. Try something new and crazy that you two know nothing about.  Whether its roller derby or oil painting, shaking things up can lead to all kinds of fun mistakes and memories. Hopefully, the experience will have you two giggling the whole ride home and right up until that long lingering kiss goodnight.
Often, our life rushes along at breakneck speed that makes us fall into the same romantic rut because it meets our basic needs. Instead take some personal time with your significant other and just put all your exterior responsibilities on hold for a little while.  Focus on being with that person, and let the passion build a bit, kiss more slowly, hug more tightly, and definitely get a little physical!
4 Ways to Rekindle Your Romantic Spark


4 Ways to Rekindle Your Romantic Spark

Blog written for eFlirt Expert to generate interest in their brand and increase traffic to their website.
