Unearthed Echoes-I is the first exhibition in the series of the same name. The series aims to highlight the multifaceted theme of collective trauma and the deeply rooted desire for a sense of belonging.

The mystery of identity and belonging is nothing new. We were put on Earth to explore it and make it our own and to respect and cherish it like a home. Times change, people as well. We feel lost into crowds, into rivers of conversations, of hours of scrolling. We are cornered by the mental and external boundaries of a realm of reality, of unconsciousness, guarded by the balance of dystopian and utopian social contrasts, have made us lose our sense of "home". 

The terror, the tumult of a desire of belongingness is searching up every inch of our existential self, for a place to call mine, my own, home. The chaos of the crowd keeps us prisoners of our own conflicts, between the desire to escape or to remain trapped in our convictions. We face the turbulence of our own social and political consequences, under pressure to feel connected to our every breath. In our frantic search, we seem to have lost touch with our deep roots.

Unearthed, uncovered, or lost, our inner selves yearn to bask in the comforting glow of a familiar light, to tread upon known lands, and to immerse ourselves in the warmth of familiarity and friendship, evoking a sense of cultural admiration and comfort. The Exhibition 'Unearthed Echoes' endeavours to craft this desired environment through a blend of video art, animation, light art, sculpture, and performance. It aims to provide viewers with an immersive experience that delves into themes of earth, memories, ideology, faith, and innocence.

What is considered to be „ours”, our essence, our very core, defines our initial path in life. However, as we journey through the uncertainties of tomorrow, this essence often becomes obsolete, gradually fading away amidst the vast abyss of soil and the shifting sands of time. Our traditions, cultures, ethnicities, modes of expression, perceptions, and innocence become vulnerable to exploitation, as seen through the lenses of artists Maria Albu, Maria Brîneț, Larisa Petcuț, Gabriela Leu, Miruna Copăcel, Iulia Pușcșu, Bianca Stoica, Petra Kovacs, and Diana Furnea."

Beautiful Women Artists in the Unearthed Echoes I Exhibition
Maria Albu's series „Mapping” delves into the theme of belonging to a regime, exploring the ideology of the communist period, while her works „Division” and „Have a Cup of Tea” evoke childhood and innocence, reflecting on her own roots. Artists Iulia Pușcașu and Diana Furnea lead us into a realm of introspection and self-exploration through the pieces, „Jaws” and „For All the Days When You Lost the Sun”. Maria Brîneț and Gabriela Leu focus on the notion of ethnic belonging, while Larisa Petcuț intertwines spectators with tradition and culture through her video art piece „Descântec”. Bianca Stoica bridges the gap between reality and dreams, transporting viewers into an ephemeral realm, while Miruna Copăcel's „Habitat” immerses us in the warm memories of intimate spaces. „Consuming Me” by Maria Brîneț, alongside Petra Kovacs' „Veritas”, presents the various facets of ourselves that we project onto society. -excerpt from the curatorial text.
Opening 08.03.2024
DOP: Vlad Hărăstășan 
Editor: Diana Cimpoeșu 
Sound: Giorgio di Benedetto, Silviu Cristea 
Production sound mixer: Daniel Benchea 
Unearthed Echoes I


Unearthed Echoes I


Creative Fields