This is the devotional book titled "Heavenly Wisdom & Kingdom Mindset", designed for our local church in 2024. Our Pastor penned the insightful theme and content, while I brought it to life with illustrations and images for the cover and interior pages. Building upon the previous book I designed in 2022, I carried forward the sky element as a visual thread connecting the two. The cover prominently features Jesus as the King, reminding us that a 'Kingdom mindset' can only be established with Him as the Lord of our lives.
This is the 2nd Volume of the devotional book last 2023. This time, the book cover has a red theme to convey the burning passion for the Kingdom of God. 

For the inside images, I created photo collages instead of illustrations to add a bit of a different look to the book. The scrapbook style also gives off a more personal take on the bible verses.
Christian Book Design