The Walk to end HIV (WTEH) is our signature fundraiser that calls on thousands of Washington, DC area residents to strap up their shoes and walk or run to support Whitman-Walker’s mission of providing dependable, high-quality, comprehensive, and accessible health care to those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

Objective: To draft a Save The Date for this year's WTEH event to be posted on the company's social media and email blasts.

Solution: My goal for this assignment was to incorporate the company's branding utilizing their logo, color palette, typography and vector pattern while presenting a few updated design options based on another passion of
The first image (above) is designed in the company's typical corporate branding of one hero image and centered design. The second image (bottom) incorporates polaroid images, the company's branding and an s-curve composition similarly used in photography to lead the viewer's eye from one section of the design to the next.
The final design (below the second) uses large margins and a single image in the center with type as the pattern for the background to create a minimalist approach. I wanted to incorporate the graffiti of DC and the centered design of the brand to exhibit the contrast of DC's grit with the cities museum culture.
Left: Twitter post Right: Instagram post
Left: Twitter post Right: Instagram post
Left: Twitter post Right: Instagram post
Walk to End HIV


Walk to End HIV
