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What Lies Within The Black Candies

What Lies within The Black Candies
This piece is a response to the recent happenings around the globe. It centers on the unfortunate reality where children become unintended victims in the struggle for power, wealth, and money among adults. Social media inundates us with distressing images of children in Gaza, their small bodies tainted with blood, some crying, some lifeless, and others tragically without limbs.

Zooming in on a more local perspective, Indonesia has its own narrative of children falling prey to violence. Shockingly, 21,241 children were documented as victims of violence in 2022. It’s crucial to recognize that these are just the recorded cases, with countless others unable to share their experiences, even with neighbors next door.

This artwork offers a different way of visualizing the data on child victims of violence in Indonesia. It aims to evoke emotions rather than just presenting dry statistics, seeking to make the audience uneasy—a discomfort akin to ivy encroaching on a pristine wall. The candy becomes a metaphor for innocence, reflecting the purity of children. The tying strings symbolize their vulnerability, highlighting their reliance on guardians and the delicate balance upon which their lives depend.
“In early 2023, a distressing case of child abuse has surfaced at the Shelter for Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection in Surabaya, Indonesia. The child involved experienced physical assault, forced crawling, and even had balm applied to their eyes. This adds to the concerning number of child abuse cases in Indonesia, highlighting a broader crisis. According to recent data from the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection, a staggering 21,241 children fell victim to violence in the country in 2022. Each number tells a unique story, urging us to address the pervasive issue of child abuse in our communities.

Through the juxtaposition of sweet confectionery and somber black wrapping, this installation captures the paradox of childhood. Each candy, delicately hanging by a red thread, symbolizes 20 children who are victims of violence in Indonesia. This serves as a stark reminder of the prevailing violence that often obscures the lives of Indonesian children. The red thread signifies the resilience and hope within, amidst adversity. Their dependence on guardians is symbolized by the delicate balance, illuminating the intricate struggle for mental and financial independence. This installation, serves as both a powerful artistic expression and a stark call to confront the pervasive challenges faced by children in Indonesia.”
What Lies Within The Black Candies

What Lies Within The Black Candies
