The workflow of predigital roto artists hasn't changed signifi-cantly. The base
concepts of roto still apply. Then, as today, roto
artists are required to create accurate, usable mattes in the short-est time
possible. The most defining difference between the way
artists worked then and the way they work now is the tool set of
a modern roto artist. Digital rotoscoping software has turned the
work of an entire roomful of people, done in a few weeks, to an
artist with one workstation who is able to complete the same task
in a few days.

Matte painting is a technique used in the film, television, and video game
industries to create highly detailed and realistic backgrounds and environments
that would be too expensive, impractical, or impossible to recreate or achieve
through traditional on-location or practical set design.
what is mattepainting
Matte painting is an incredibly powerful type of VFX that can be used to create a
realistic and believable environment with limited resources. A skilled artist can
create a believable scene from just a few pieces of artwork and some digital manipulation.

Matte painting is a technique used in the film, television, and video game
industries to create highly detailed and realistic backgrounds and environments
that would be too expensive, impractical, or impossible to recreate or achieve
through traditional on-location or practical set design.

The Process of Matte Painting in Movies
The third step is painting and compositing, where the final matte painting is
created and composited into the live-action footage. The final step is color
correction and final adjustments, where the final image is color-corrected and
any final adjustments are made

I hope you people will appriciate my in this i came to learn how to Power Matte in sillhoute.
                    THANK YOU.....


