Loft Design's profile

A3 Global: LVc40

Sustainable Mobility — Empowering Circular Economy to support a cleaner future

Services: UX, Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering

A3 Global's range of HEV/EV Battery solutions merges state-of-the-art electronics and cutting-edge technology in an easy workflow for car shop managers and operators. Loft and A3 Global collaboratively developed an instrument and a new operating model, specifically processing and diagnosing Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles.

The engineering and design teams at Loft utilized in-depth customer research, advanced thermal modeling, and industry-leading engineering and design to develop the next generation of A3 equipment. This new platform is streamlined, user-friendly, and quick to deploy, allowing more EV batteries to be repurposed for a second life.

"Loft Design—a leading product design agency championing digital and physical breakthroughs. Our collaboration? The much-anticipated LVC-40 prototype!"

A3 Global

A3 Global: LVc40

Project Made For

A3 Global: LVc40
