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Creative Advertising - Bipolar

Creative Advertising
"Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression)."
This is the main design I originally illustrated. It features the illustration and a working QR code to link anyone who requires it, over to the website of Bipolar UK.
Billboard variation of the main illustrated design.
This is a Year 2 project spread across January. The brief tasked us with designing an advertisement campaign featuring a mental disorder in order to spread awareness about it. Out of the various options, I decided on creating a campaign about Bipolar Disorder. 

It features a poster, magazine template, and a billboard, along with a series of mock ups to present it in various locations as a real physical campaign.
Creative Advertising - Bipolar

Creative Advertising - Bipolar
