Evelyn RS Jackson's profile

7 creative strategies

The 7 creative strategies are ways to help create visual interest to a piece. 

The 7 creative strategies are: 
-Metaphor or Simile: 
-Change of Context or Environment 
-Physical/Shape Similarity
-Material Change, Swap, or Focus 

In this project, we used these 7 strategies using one simple everyday item. This item was used to design solutions that expressed meaningful ideas. 
Being different gives the world color. Being different means being unique and that's what makes the world and exciting place to be in.
Juxtaposition is about showing contrast and differences in items. 
 Isolation makes the viewer focus on an element within the composition. 
This strategy is about showcasing meaning behind the object in your composition. 
Change of Context or Environment is a way to take the item and place it in an environment that it would normally not be seen in. The contrast of the unnatural is a way to highlight a concept. 
Physical/Shape Similarity is a way to showcase the similarities between two items that would not normally connect together. 
Material change, swap, or focus changes an item for another item in this case the crayons instead of the french fries.
7 creative strategies


7 creative strategies
