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Biotin Social Media Slideshow

Biotin Social Media Slideshow
A lot of the horse world is dependent upon tradition and hearsay. There are not many studies or scientific evidence for a lot of aspects of horseownership. We are told that something is true and so we believe it. That is the culture of the horse world.

Some examples of where tradition is clashing with modern science include common beliefs that even non-horse people are aware of such as putting a horse in a stall and metal horse shoes. Traditionally these are done because that's just what we have been told but a deeper look into the science is saying it might not be the best idea.

The culture of trusting tradition is changing. Horse owners, myself included, would like to know if they are doing best by their horse. In this case, horse owners want to know if the supplements they feed their horses are actually doing anything. We may think that they are doing something because the product says so. We might even fall into confirmation bias in the process and interpret something incorrectly as evidence of the product working. 
Target Audience:
The problem above alludes to the target audience. It is the horse owner specifically, people who have the ability to control supplements in the horse's diet. Horses are a time consuming hobby and with a neverending to-do-list of horse activities, researching supplements is low on that list. It's easier for owners to just trust the product will do what it says after reading all the great reviews and hearing personal testimonials from friends.

There is a small but growing subset of equestrians who are starting to challenge tradition and actually look for studies that prove something is or is not true. They are aware that they may be falling into confirmation bias. This slideshow is especially attractive to these science-based equestrians because it shows the science!

These equestrians tend to be young adults who have not been as deeply entrenched in tradition or who are open to new information. As is also widely assumed, this audience is also mostly female. The young adult equestrian is most easily reached on social media. 
I made a concise slideshow about biotin to post on my equestrian social media. This is a supplement I have intrinsic interest in, otherwise I would not have looked into it. As stated above, I simply would not have time! I became interested in hoof supplements due to my horse's chronic hoof problems. As you can imagine, horse products are expensive and so I, and many other horse owners, want to make sure our money is well spent.

The goal is that this slideshow should be consice enough to help other horse owners make a decision. It is easily readable on mobile and quick to read so you can easily pull it up in real time at the barn if needed. It is organized in a question and answer format so that viewers can find exactly what they are looking for at a glance. The answer to the most important question, does biotin work, is presented immediately and boldly so you know within the first minute what the answer is. Those that want more detail can then continue reading.

To monetize this free information, I included an advertisement at the very end for some horse products the target audience might like. It is at the end so as not to feel intrusive but still respects the time I spent on this project. The included products were also designed by me.

Closing Statements:
Graphic design can be thought of as visual problem solving. Every design serves a purpose and is trying to accomplish a mission whether it's to share information, bring awareness, or sell a product. I approach all my design work in a problem-solution process. I encountered a problem and I solved it visually with my slideshow. Informational content like this builds good will and trust with an online social media audience.

If you are looking for a visual problem solver, consider contacting me: anilatacstudios @

Biotin Social Media Slideshow


Biotin Social Media Slideshow

A slideshow about biotin, a hoof supplement for horses. It is meant to be fast to read and mobile friendly for the busy equestrian.


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