Viggo Klijs's profile

Efteling SintLucas

Viggo Klijs - Efteling assignment SintLucas
Final visualisation of the Aspidochel
The assignment was to design an attraction for the themepark the Efteling. We were handed a fairytale at random. I got Sinbad the Sailor.
I immediately got a few ideas.
I quickly gravitated towards the first and third story of Sinbad, with the visuals of the giant fish or cyclops exciting me. I eventually decided that I had more ideas with the fish, so I began working on the design of the fish.
After I got this far I took a break from designing the fish, as I had not decided yet what the attraction itself was going to be. I created 3 different concepts.
The first was a marketplace you would use a boat to go through. It would go in a circle. You would order food at the start. In the middle you would have a square, where at times a show would play like a robbery or firespitters.
The second concept was a restaurant in the belly of the beast. The entrance would be in it's maw, and on the inside you could hear a heartbeat and the creature would roar every now and then. As to not make it too gory, there would be alot of plantlife on the inside and the restaurant itself would be very rustic. There would be alot of fish related foods on the menu.
The last concept, and the one I decided to work with, was a rollercoaster. It would start out in a small city as you slowly go to sea. Eventually you would reach a room with an island, where you would come to a standstill. After a while, the creature would raise it's head and roar, sending you backwards into the rollercoaster. During the rollercoaster, the whale would jump out of the darkness to try and eat you.
I made a few more variations of the Leviathan, and eventually I had a concept I liked.
I decided to make a few illustrations to get a better idea of how the rooms would look. I also decided that through the rooms the bright day would turn into a dark night, before the darkride rollercoaster starts.
After the attraction was thought out, I began working on a logo to represent the atraction. During this process I decided on the name Aspidochel, short for Aspidochelone, which is the giant turtle with an island on it's back.
I picked out a few designs and tried to polish them to see how they would look. Eventually I decided on the design on the right.
I began trying different colors and stuggled alot. Eventually I looked up a color scheme and I liked what I ended up with, so I tried a few fonts.
With the logo done, I began designing a few pieces of merch where the logo would be used for the design
With these done, I would make the last parts of my visualisation, like designing the boat and making a finished design of the Leviathan.
And that's how I created the Aspidochel. It was very rough at times, as I did not have alot of experience with visualisations and logo design is not something I am very good at. I learned alot from this project, however, and I feel alot more comfortable with the things I struggled with.
Efteling SintLucas

Efteling SintLucas
