Our brief for this project is creating three images in order to display a sport of our choice. I have chosen to explore longboarding as it is a sport i have next to no experience with and creates its own new interesting challenges in order to capture the sport to its fullest.
Longboarding is a sport and recreational activity that involves riding a longboard, which is similar to a skateboard but typically longer and wider. Longboards are designed for cruising, carving, downhill racing, and freestyle riding. The sport originated from surfing culture, with riders often mimicking surfing maneuvers and styles on land. Longboarding offers a diverse range of disciplines and styles, including cruising along beachside boardwalks, carving through urban streets, performing tricks and slides in skate parks, and racing down steep hills at high speeds. It's popular among individuals of all ages and skill levels, providing opportunities for both leisurely rides and intense adrenaline-pumping experiences.
1. Origins in Surfing Culture: Longboarding emerged in the 1950s and 1960s as a way for surfers to practice their skills when waves were not suitable for surfing.
2. Variety of Styles: Longboarding encompasses various styles, including cruising, downhill racing, freestyle, dancing, and sliding. Each style emphasizes different techniques and maneuvers.
3. Diverse Equipment: Longboards come in various shapes, sizes, and materials to suit different riding styles and preferences. They can range from flexible and responsive boards for carving to stiff and stable boards for downhill racing.
4. Community and Culture: Longboarding has a vibrant and inclusive community with events, competitions, and gatherings held worldwide. Longboarders often share a passion for adventure, creativity, and camaraderie.
5. Influence on Skateboarding: Longboarding has influenced modern skateboarding, with some skateboarding disciplines adopting techniques and maneuvers originally developed in longboarding, such as sliding and freestyle dancing.
6. **International Appeal**: Longboarding has gained popularity globally, with enthusiasts and communities spanning across continents. Countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and various European nations have active longboarding scenes.
7. Safety Precautions: Due to the high speeds and risks involved, safety equipment such as helmets, gloves, and pads are essential for longboarding, especially for downhill racing and freeriding.
8. Environmental Awareness: Many longboarders have a strong connection to nature and advocate for environmental conservation. Some events and organizations within the longboarding community promote eco-friendly practices and support environmental causes.
9. Continuous Innovation: Longboarding equipment and technology continue to evolve, with advancements in board construction, wheel design, and bearing technology aimed at improving performance and enhancing the riding experience.
10. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Longboarding is accessible to people of various ages, genders, and skill levels, promoting inclusivity and diversity within the sport. It offers opportunities for recreation, fitness, self-expression, and personal growth.
For my research into environmental photography i decided to research Arnold Newman who was an influential American photographer known for his environmental portraiture. Born on March 3 1918 in New York City Newman's career spanned over 60 years, during which he captured portraits of numerous prominent figures from the worlds of art, politics, literature, and entertainment. He developed a distinctive style characterised by placing his subjects within their surroundings, often incorporating elements that revealed aspects of their personality, profession, or environment. Newman's portraits are celebrated for their intimate and revealing qualities, offering viewers insight into the lives and characters of his subjects. He made significant contributions to the field of photography and left a lasting legacy as one of the most influential portrait photographers of the 20th century.
Photo of Jackson Pollock - 1949
In the environmental portrait above we can see how the subject is situated among his art tools to display his profession clearly to the viewer and there is a clear lighting of the subject to make his stand out from his surroundings and the cluttered foreground. 
We can also deduce that a relatively normal lens was used in order to capture this image (around 50mm) and a fast shutter speed is not needed in order to capture this image so it was most likely a shutter exposure of around 1/60 to around 1/125
with a relatively fast aperture due to the depth of field that is apparent with the focus difference between the front and rear of the image.
Sports photographers
Neil Leifer is an acclaimed American sports photographer known for capturing iconic moments in sports history. Born on December 28, 1942, in New York City, Leifer began his career as a photojournalist at a young age, contributing to publications like Sports Illustrated and Time magazine. He gained widespread recognition for his ability to capture the intensity and drama of sporting events, including his iconic photograph of Muhammad Ali standing over Sonny Liston after knocking him out in 1965. Leifer's work has graced the covers of numerous magazines and has been exhibited in galleries around the world. Throughout his career, he has documented some of the most significant moments and athletes in sports history, leaving an indelible mark on the world of sports photography.
Taken by Neil Leifer - 1965
Richard Heathcote is a highly acclaimed sports photographer known for his exceptional work capturing key moments in sports history. Born in the United Kingdom, Heathcote has established himself as one of the leading sports photographers in the world. His portfolio includes a wide range of sports, from football (soccer) and tennis to athletics and golf. Heathcote's photographs have been featured in prominent publications and media outlets globally, including Getty Images, where he has been a staff photographer for many years. His keen eye for detail and ability to capture the intensity and emotion of sporting events have earned him numerous awards and accolades throughout his career. Richard Heathcote continues to be a prominent figure in the world of sports photography, contributing iconic images that encapsulate the essence of competitive sports.
Taken by Richard Heathcote - 2019
Conceptual drawings.
Test shoot call sheet
mini briefs

mini briefs
