Crux Fermentation Project was formed in Bend, Oregon. Home to some of the best craft breweries in North America. The brewery was designed to push the creativity of brewing and allow the brewmasters freedom to find the next great beer. We wanted the brand to convey the idea of being at the crossroads; a place where anything can happen.
Being a young brand with only a small cult following, we decided to focus on the brandmark X to signal the crossroads concept and to build brand awareness.
Crux also developed a line of aged beers that were part of a series called Banished. With this series we reversed the die cut and dripped wax to create a clear seperation between the mainline beers and the aged beers.
I was also fortunate to be the illustrator for this project. I created a series of illustrations for each beer style.
Crux Packaging


Crux Packaging

Crux Fermentation Project is based out of Bend, OR. We wanted to capture the craft behind all the beers brewed at Crux by Larry Sidor ( previous Read More
