Turkey, Sirya​​​​​​​

Every year Uiki Onlus (Kurdistan Information Office in Italy) organizes an Italian delegation to attend the Newroz celebrations in Turkey, the international presence acts as a deterrent between the Kurds and the Turkish army.
After Kobane's heroic resistance to the Isis advance in Syria, we traveled with the Italian delegation to Suruc, the nearest Turkish town to Kobane, where we met with refugees who fled the Isis attack.

We then went to the Syrian border, saw the abandoned cars of the refugees themselves, who fled their homes at night and ran with their families to cross the Turkish border on foot.
The city resisted. We tried to cross the border, but the Turkish army forced us to stop. Kobane, administered by the Rojava Democratic Autonomy, remains across the border, very close but unreachable.

My photo report, along with an article co-written with Pier Paolo Tassi, was published on Fatto Quotidiano.

Once back in Italy, I organized an online fundraiser to provide some concrete help to the people of Kobane. Thanks to the support of activists in Piacenza and Parma, the goal was almost doubled.

Federico Maccagni
Nikon D80
Nikon 80-200 f2.8​​​​​​​

