subversive thinking
ROON is branded project starts with the intension to inspire artistic thinking.
It is about the volume, color, shape, silouhette and hand. It shows ideology, concept and value.
The ROON project emphazise more on the wearer rather than the clothes which we regard as an expedient means. It is the wearer of the clothe who through the action of wearing clothe to demonstrate further ones own value.
The research of ROON project is a research of people's identity, of the intrinsic value of each individual.
Social context is as always between Europe and China, Modern Culture versus Mystic Primitive and Formality with Freedom
Collections under this Project is from our belief, dream and fantasy,which is a combination of Art, Fashion and Performiong Art.
ROON所呈现的社会背景无非是我们很熟悉的‘’欧洲与中国‘’,‘’现代文化和神秘原始文化‘’, ‘’自由与形式约束‘’的冲击。
This collection is named as SWIRL. It entered the first 10 design of China Creative Design Contest 2009 in Shanghai.
The concept is from the book ''Choose Life'' of Arnold Joseph Toynbee. In the book, it talks about that the 21st century would be a century of China. We can even call this as a century of Oriental Wisdom. We believe that it reflect the reality that we are living now, a century that the entire human race is looking for solution to our social and natural dilemma through philosophical and religious research. This kind of research is the spririt we convey in our oriental wisdom. From this, we try to develop a collection that express oriental wisdom under the western ideology. SWIRL is a journey through space, geography and time, which is the core message of our culture - Tian Ren He Yi - the very fusion of the universe and humanbeing.
The entire collection is illustrated with our life experience in the west and east. Shape with strong Baroque feeling but refined to a Haute Couture silouhette, African primitive totem as pattern but arranged in the Oriental horticulture way, color is stong and stale but mysterious and intense. All these complicitity is expressed with another extreme complicity of Knitwear as a technical approach, traditional geometric figures are distorted to create a four-dimentional optical illusion, all these visual powers create an impact on viewers mind and it seems that what we show here means nothing but a big black hole that would absorb everything even the thoughts. The big explosion which represent absolute freedom came after this accumulation. Clothes seems less important and nearly invisible, only the wearer itself became the topic and this collection is only her story but nothing else.

第二,空间上通过借助了一些建筑设计上的概念,尤其是选取了针织这一架构较为复杂的工艺作为主题,再赋予其层次,轮廓,曲线上对于传统几何图型,三角,椭圆,等的脱离, 期望能够反应出四维空间的错觉。
从地域上,这一套系列融入了我的游学和工作的经历,足迹从巴洛克风格到非洲土著图腾的崇拜,从haute couture的质感和轮廓到苏州园林的错落有致,来体现现代时装所追求的跨地域,多国界,圆融贯通的形象。
之所以取名为旋涡,是想以最繁复的元素来表达一个最简朴的着装概念暨服装的原始功能-最大的体现”人“ 。而这一概念就好像旋涡一样需要探索和体会,而不被任何的修饰所左右。
Another realization of ROON Project.
It is called ''Pop Bag''.
It is made with silk organza inside and outside with plastic and flock painting of the logo. Indeed luxury inside but pop outside.
Idea is Femme Fatale under Pop art (shown in the picture on the right). The guy in pajama took it smiling complete the concept. High culture content expressed through grass level formality is not any more a novelty, Who makes fun of whom is the question.
This is a latest collection from ROON Project. It is ASCETIC.
It is a Menswear Collection.
The collection used very symbolic shape of Monks' allure but combined with very luxury materials, i.e. fur, leather, gold to create a feeling of avant-guarde and anti-tradition.
It came from the idea of Chinese logo mania syndrome. A monk has no desire due to one's spirit research. While, current Chinese younger generation has a spiritual research which somhow follows the pattern of big names and brands, ironcially, this research blindly confined their natural desire for what is real beauty and what is suitable fashion for themselves.
ROON Accessory Collection 2009-2010
It is a collection starts from the concept of a conflict of Primitive Nature and Modern Metropolis City. It can also be defined as a Oriental Material balanced with Western Decoration.
The form is realized through all hand-craved wooden structure, on top of that, we add stone, metal, fabric and knit to give a volume and shape, but finish with fine leather.
The hand is soft but the power can penetrate from this cover.
We would like to use this collection to enpower the modern women to free themselve from so-called stereotype of western logo and euopean centered fashion.


Our research path and our fantasies, dreams and belief.


Creative Fields