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What is Design Thinking? Definition of the concept

What is Design Thinking? Definition of the concept
Design Thinking is a concept whose methodology has He Tuber been gradually implemented in recent years in different companies in order to create products and services that tend to better meet the needs of users by involving them actively in the creative process. Design Thinking is a concept that allows you to discover previously unknown possibilities that lead to the solution of sometimes complex problems.
Definition of Design Thinking
Part of the importance it has started to have in recent years is directly linked to innovation and creativity; that which allows companies to create products capable of changing the rules of the market (as in the case of Apple), and the increasingly obvious need that organizations have today to create new models and new ways of understanding the problems they face.
Design has become an increasingly important concept in the business world, given that it goes beyond the creation of products, and can also be applied to services or processes, and given also the obvious needs of companies to differentiate themselves in increasingly competitive markets.
The main aspects to consider in Design Thinking have been defined more clearly and precisely, as well as the method that companies should follow to apply it regardless of the sector in which they are located.
In today's world, markets have become uncertain and complex and digital transformation is rapidly changing lives and work environments. Design Thinking was developed from the need to address these challenges. It makes it possible to manage complex problems and, in the context of great planning uncertainties, to systematically develop solutions for innovation and sustainability. To explore this concept even further, do not hesitate to consult
Design thinking: a structured process
Through a structured, iterative and creative process, areas such as services, products, strategic approaches or business models are redesigned with the active and joint participation of customers. The procedure is characterized by cross-departmental work in interdisciplinary teams as well as rapid prototyping and testing of ideas. This makes it possible to create fast, innovative and practical solutions. A significant time saving to create and innovate!
One of the essential elements of Design Thinking is the clearly structured process that occurs in iterative loops.
So, prototyping is done early and ideas are summarized repeatedly. The iterative process of Design Thinking generally includes six steps :
What is Design Thinking? Definition of the concept

What is Design Thinking? Definition of the concept
