Spice Crusade
Spice Crusade is an educational game delving into diverse cultures through their cuisines. Players collect specific ingredients for chosen recipes, embarking on a virtual culinary journey. This engaging experience fosters cultural awareness, explores diverse culinary traditions, and enhances virtual cooking skills while infusing the game with a sense of competition and achievement.
Rules & Guidelines
Each player gets a recipe board - play side face-up in front of them. Deal everyone one card from each Grocery category.
Additionally, advantage deck (yellow back) needs to be shuffled and placed face down in the center.

During each turn, players roll the die and draw a card matching the die-face. To meet recipe requirements, players exchange ingredients among themselves in a 1:1 ratio. If possessing duplicate ingredients, players may barter or discard them.
In case of inability to trade, players have the option to discard the ingredient or retain it for their next turn.
Collected ingredients must be placed on the recipe board for all players to track their game progress.

Player with all required ingredient cards, wins. The leftover cards are either distributed amongst other players or discarded - based on the player’s choice.

for 3-4 players
Winner-Winner, has to cook the Dinner!!!

for 6+ players
Continue game to find the loser, and the Losing player cooks from their recipe board.
Game Elements
Game boards (Recipes)
User Interface
The following app is interactive
Spice Crusade


Spice Crusade
