Michelle Chandra's profile

Character Design: Raive

Name : Tiberius Scaevola
Nickname : Raive
Form : Gray Wolf
Age : 27
Gender : Male
Personality : honest, loyal, impatient
Raive has gray fur and yellow eyes. His height is about 185 cm and weighted around 82 kg. Pretty short for a fighter like him. Two inflicted scars are marked on the right side of his lips, those scars were done by his friend. They had a spar when they were drunk. He also wears a piercing on his right ear.
He is often seen wearing a bone armor, black tights, and crimson cape on his back. He fought using only his bare hands and feet. Raive is a Bestiarius, trained to fight the beasts in the arena. He was once, ranked up to be a true gladiator, but Raive still kept his job to entertain people.
His goal is to be able to live a carefree life with his loved one and does not need to worry about his popularity and ranking. He fears death and despise arrogant people. Sometimes, he cannot control his anger. He just went berserk and kept up wounding other people in his tribe. There are other times that he can actually act like a pup. He loves to roll on the grass, relaxing on his day off, going for a family trip, or have a spar with his friends.
Character Design: Raive

Character Design: Raive

Digital Art assignment (Create your own character)
