Vernon Vinca's profile

Hearth & Haven | food and grocery

Hearth & Haven - food and grocery
Hearth and Haven, an imaginative food and grocery brand devoted to enriching homes with warmth and nourishment. I had the pleasure of crafting Hearth and Haven's visual identity, which includes its logo and promotional flyers.
 Reflecting the essence of comfort and abundance, the Hearth and Haven logo draws inspiration from hearty home-cooked meals. It features an oversized steamed ham on a dinner plate, accompanied by vegetables. The warm earthy color palette evokes feelings of coziness and wholesomeness, aligning with the brand's dedication to providing quality food and groceries for families.
The promotional flyer for Hearth and Haven blends bold lines, clean typography, and enticing imagery of fresh produce and substantial meals. Designed for clarity and easy comprehension, the layout highlights the brand's offerings and special promotions. Warm hues and subtle textures create an inviting ambiance, encouraging customers to explore Hearth and Haven's diverse product range.
Overall, the Hearth and Haven logo and flyer design aim to convey the brand's mission of being a reliable source of nourishment and comfort for communities. Whether it's a homemade meal or pantry essentials, Hearth and Haven endeavors to transform every kitchen into a haven.
Hearth & Haven | food and grocery

Hearth & Haven | food and grocery
