Ben Boothby's profile

Mnemonic Reverie

Mnemonic Reverie
Abstract paintings that portray how we internally visualize memory.

Memory exists in a state of flux, when we try to pin it down, to hold it for a second so we can examine details and feelings, it will not sit still. My paintings are like etherized butterflies pinned in a frozen pose, captured and preserved. And yet I strive to record the flittering pulsation of an active memory without killing it.

Pulsation is that state where memory is visible and yet vibrates in self-contradictions and shifting contexts. The other key visual characteristic of memory is repetition. It is the way we strengthen memories, and its layered associative nature becomes a series of looping visuals.
Eskihlíð 12   20x24"   Silkscreen, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel   2011

Zee Lion 1   24x30"   Oil on Panel   2011

3 AM Sunrise    20x24"   Silkscreen, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel   2011

Burnt Toast   20x24"   Silkscreen, Acrylic, and Oil on Panel   2011

Jelly Donuts & Newsprint   48x60"   Oil on Panel   2011

Charcoal & Chlorine   48x36"   Acrylic & Oil on Panel   2011

Trumpet Oil & Beatles Records    24x36"   Oil on Panel   2011

Mothballs & Roofing Tar   48x36"  Oil on Panel    2011

Mnemonic Reverie

Mnemonic Reverie

Abstract paintings that portray how we internally visualize memory.
