David Wojnarowicz
a role model for the unheard
by Katari Sporrong
SPEAK UP tells two very different stories at once: my story as I seek to find my voice as an artist and the story of David Wojnarowicz. For those who don’t know about him yet, David Wojnarowicz was a gay New York artist in the 80s and an activist at the height of the culture war and the AIDS pandemic. This was a time when those dying of AIDS were unfairly stigmatized and were at best ignored; at worst, hated. A time when art was to be censored as obscene. Instead of accepting the injustices heaved upon him, David fought. And it has encouraged me to fight. And I hope his story encourages others.

A full color comic draw in ball-point pen and crayon. Printed and distributed through Kickstarter funds.
SPEAK UP - Comic

SPEAK UP - Comic

SPEAK UP tells two very different stories at once: my story as I seek to find my voice as an artist and the story of David Wojnarowicz. For those Read More
