Happy Place
Tile Impression
Three-Dimensional Design
Art F163
      The Tile Impression Molding project was fun. Utilizing the sea shells I have collected over the years with my children, I embarked on a creative journey inspired by the intricate patterns of the Golden spiral.

      I used a plastic container as a mold for my project. While the molding process was successful, a minor mishap occurred during demolding. Due to a lack of carefulness on my part, the plaster cracked down the middle. 

     Reflecting on the outcome, I realized that pressing the seashells deeper into the mold could enhance the depth of the tile, providing a more pronounced and visually appealing effect. 

     The concept of arranging the seashells in a spiral pattern added a remarkable dimension to the piece. This arrangement not only captured the essence of the ocean waves but also imbued the artwork with a sense of harmony and balance.

     To evoke the essence of the ocean, I carefully selected a palette of turquoise blue, metallic white, and metallic gold acrylic paints. These colors not only complemented each other but also resonated with the overall theme of the project. Interestingly, some remnants of clay color on the tile were left behind during the cleaning process. Recognizing the beauty in imperfections, I chose to preserve this detail, enhancing the naturalistic feel of the artwork as the essence of sand. 

     This art project served as an enriching exploration of creativity and design. Despite the minor challenges faced, the final piece beautifully captured the tranquility and elegance of the ocean. Moving forward, the lessons learned from this experience will undoubtedly inform my future artistic endeavors, fostering a greater understanding of materials, techniques, and attention to detail. If given more time, I am eager to delve deeper into this medium as it has the potential to become an addiction to my world of creative expression.
Happy Place


Happy Place
