Lorna Lynch's profile

Grade Calculator using Excel Spreadsheet

Grade Calculator in Excel Spreadsheet
Final results
Initial project idea: 
How did you come up with this project? 
I completed this project for a computer science class assessment in order to showcase the new material learned in the Excel portion of the course. 

What problem did you set out to solve? 
The problemwas to create a grade calculator in Excel spreadsheets using cell reference and formulas to find user's final class grade based of assignment/assessment scores.

Why was it a problem that needed to be solved? 
To allow me to showcase my ability in incorporating Excel functions and calculation

Tools I used: 
What tools did you use in completing this project? 
Excel spreadsheets 
Challenges I faced:

What challenges did you face, and how? What obstacles did you overcome? 
Challenges I faced was creating if statements for the letter grade section of the spreadsheet. The challenge was overcome by trial and error and by professor's guidance.

Other Resources: 
Did you used any other resources? Did you collaborate with anyone to get this done? 

What did you set out to achieve? 
Successful creating an Excel spreadsheet that calculates a student's final grade based category weights and category scores. 

Did you achieve it? Yes
What improvements would you like to make if you had a chance to take this further? 
I would like to be able specifically list what I got on each assignment in a category in order to find out the final grade.
Formulas used in Exel spreadsheet to calculate final grade
Grade Calculator using Excel Spreadsheet

Grade Calculator using Excel Spreadsheet
