Buddy the Elf
Digital Drawing & Graphic Design
Happy Holidays! 

While watching Elf this year, I was inspired and wanted to capture Buddy's excited spirit and positivity in a new digital piece for my merch shop. Christmas may only come once a year, but it doesn't mean we can't stay cheerful and always be kind to people. 
Final digital drawing using Sketchbook Pro.
Side note: I am doing this thing lately where I actually try to save several progress screenshots along the way of drawings. You know... what most artists should and probably already do.. do. Unfortunately, Elf only has 2 progress images saved before the final. Whoopsie.

So... I will be working on progress pics for future drawings ;)
Now that the drawing was finished, I was determined to get a little design added as well.
I loved how all my options turned out. I've decided on the first with the red & green mix. Note that the background will change since it's going in my shop.
Final design using Illustrator.
I love it! As a critique to myself (from myself), I could have done better with the drawing. I rushed to finish this piece early, as the holidays approach. 
However, overall, I am pretty darn happy with the end result of the design and how it looks in my merch shop. I've included both the digital drawing by itself and the final design.

See some of the shop merch examples below: 
Thanks for reading, if you're still here :) My appreciation is with you.
Craving even more?
Visit: https://saradavisart.threadless.com
Buddy the Elf


Buddy the Elf
