Eugene Bakhurinskyi's profileValeriia Gavrik's profile


(approx. the first syllable "tat" is from Tatlin's surname, the second syllable "levich" is from Malevich's surname)
This job is very personal to me. It is related to the first date with a girl with whom I have been in a strong relationship for a long time. 
We were walking through an art gallery in Moscow and accidentally noticed that the race is haunted in every hall by a constantly changing, but in its own way, non-replaceable installation.
These were windows in which the gallery staff kept folders with some documents, instructions, telephones and other trinkets, but they were very much in the color of the meddu by the works of the Impressionists and the Russian avant-garde. Therefore, we decided to capture each one as much as possible.
Everyone will see something different in all the photos.
Somewhere the composition is more dynamic, somewhere static.
Something warm and nostalgic, something repulsive and disturbing.
There is a conceptual void somewhere.
And in the end, I would like to mention my co-author: Valeria Gavrik


Search for unusual installations where no one notices them
