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"The Martian" Book Redesign

Book Cover Design
Project Description: This assignment was to create a new book cover for a preexisting book.  I chose The Martian by Andy Weir and focused on following the journey of the main character, Mark Watney, as he travels to different locations in order to find his way off the surface of Mars.  I based the design of the Hab, Mars rover, and space shuttle for this assignment off of photos from The Martian's movie adaptation.  What I hoped to capture with this design is Mark Watney's experience of both the beauty of Mars and the expansive loneliness of being the only person on its surface.
Final Design
Shown below is the official book cover for The Martian, as well as the aforementioned reference photos I used from the movie.
"The Martian" Book Redesign

"The Martian" Book Redesign

A book cover redesign for Andy Weir's "The Martian." Made on Adobe Illustrator.
