I am incredibly proud to have been an integral part of the creation of Tractor Rush, investing countless hours in crafting compelling storyboards, generating innovative ideas, and developing strategic plans to bring this game to life. As the person responsible for the graphics, my role extended from the initial conceptualization of the logo to meticulously designing the immersive in-game environment, items, menus, and intricate maps.
the characters in Tractor Rush are more than mere pixels—they are the soul of the game. Each character has been meticulously designed to evoke emotion, resonate with players, and contribute to the overall narrative. It's not just about visual appeal; it's about creating a connection between the player and the digital world.

The logo, a visual cornerstone of the game, serves as the face of Tractor Rush, encapsulating its essence and setting the tone for the entire gaming experience. It's a representation of the excitement, adventure, and thrill that players can expect as they dive into the virtual world we've meticulously constructed.
In every pixel, icon, map detail, and character design, I aimed to enrich the gaming experience, contributing to the success of Tractor Rush. It's not just a game; it's a visual journey, and I am proud to have played a significant role in shaping its graphical identity.

tractor rush


tractor rush
