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Andrew Hero 3 Legends of Rock

Andrew Hero 3 Legends of Rock
This is the title screen for Andrew Hero 3 Legends of Rock, a rhythm based video game I made in Processing. 

My favorite video game is Guitar Hero 3, so when given the challenge to make a video game in less than a month, I knew I had to make a Guitar Hero emulator! I wanted to push my knowledge of coding and get out of my comfort zone. I took on an ambitious project, and I think it turned out great! 

The core gameplay is the same as Guitar Hero. Notes are falling down the screen to the rhythm of a song. In order to score, you must hit the correct button when the corresponding note aligns. The goal is to hit as many notes accurately to get the highest score. If you hit multiple notes consecutively, you add a score multiplier. If you hit notes too early or miss one entirely, you lose points. 

I loved working on this project because I had full autonomy to create my own video game! I loved designing the game both from a functional and aesthetic standpoint. It was rewarding to push through difficult coding problems and constraints (time and limited knowledge). And I grew in my ability to isolate problems and use proof of concept testing to fix them!
Here is my selection screen. You can either click on the instructions window to learn how to play the game, or you can hit play to start! 
These are the instructions. Use the "A," "S," and "D" keys to hit the notes. I used Photoshop to change the tattoo to say "INSTRUCTIONS" instead of Guitar Hero's "OPTIONS." I also made this two sprites to animate the "angel" tattoo. 
Above is a picture for the core gameplay for the song "My Name is Jonas" by Weezer (1994). The notes fall down on the fret, and you hit the key when the correct note is in on button. The background is animated to look like they are cheering. 
On the left is the scoreboard and display for the multiplier. The multiplier is added to your points when you hit a certain amount of notes in a row. On the right is an animation that plays when you correctly hit a note. This was made using Piskel. When you miss a note or hit it too early, a screeching guitar sound plays!  
The end of the game displays yours final score, while a roaring crowd is cheering in the background. You can click the "Replay" button to play the song again, or you can press the menu button to go back to the menu.
Below are some gameplay videos! 
Check my code:
Title: Guitar Hero 
Author: Aronson, Joseph
Code version: 1.0

Title: Rhythm Game 
Author: Davey, Jason 
Date: 2021
Code version: 1.0

Andrew Hero 3 Legends of Rock

Andrew Hero 3 Legends of Rock
