LA Times needed to present ever-changing news content in an exciting and sustainable format. Development of a video, audio and interactive standards were also required.

As the leader of the design department, I was responsible for the visual design and user experience for the newspaper site, sister sites and interactive projects. We redesigned the site multiple times to increase readership. As the site grew, we developed dynamic templates and incorporated new technologies into the site. Worked closely with other leaders of the digital department to define strategy for new products.

SUCCESS:  Each redesign improved traffic numbers. My team focused on a fresh look and pushed the boundaries of interactivity to delight users. The site won numerous web awards, culminating in a Pulitzer Prize the first year online presentations were judged as part of entries.
The online art department had done a number of beautiful presentations of print features, but this series included the online portion as an integral piece of the story. The reporters wanted to use video and online media to show the devastating effect pollution has on our oceans. This reporting won numerous national awards, including the Pulitzer Prize.
2007 cover of Altered Oceans interactive
Sample animated graphic from Altered Oceans

Creative direction for website, interactive graphics and projects, advertorial sites, advertising.
