This work is dedicated to my universe Biggestjunkyard in my profile you can see other works on this universe
Greetings to all , I don 't know , I have done this work for a relatively long time , but somehow I didn 't post it . It was a strange feeling , like the model was not bad , but in general it was somehow wrong . This is the second iteration and again to do the third one , too , taking into account it seems like it 's not bad , but somehow average . I don 't know , again I would like to hear what you think . According to the concept of the universe , this is such a dead clown mercenary from an organization of monsters in a landfill . Due to the fact that there are creatures in the landfill from all possible possibilities , many of them are either very unpleasant for simple understanding or do not have a human of this kind at all , although they are not monsters in the literal sense of the word . This place is ruled by an abomination ( in fact, a healthy piece of meat and metal sewn together into something similar for the whole orca from vakhi40k and puja ) . And his ark is a safe haven for everyone regardless of prejudice . But even so abomination hates Bob (that 's the name of the plague clown ) . After all , he is an absolute repulsed monster .which is probably comparable only to the main character . And when the abomination tries to create a better image for everyone by working not only as the mayor of the harbor , but also as one of the most accessible doctors . This maniac is ruining everything .
Well, due to the small number of comments, as always, thank you in advance, I am always glad to hear from you opinions or at least something good
Sad Dead Plague


Sad Dead Plague
