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Secrets of the zodiac signs

Who made the first horoscope and where did the 12 zodiac signs come from
In the history of mankind, the starry sky has always attracted attention and raised questions about its secret connection with the fate of man. The answer to these questions is reflected in the creation of horoscopes and the formation of 12 zodiac signs. Let's dive into history to understand who and how made the first horoscope and where these mystical signs came from.
The zodiac is a kind of cartography of the heavens, drawn by mankind for thousands of years. Opening the pages of ancient texts and looking into the dark sky, we find amazing stories underlying our astrological beliefs.

At the very beginning of the development of astronomy and astrology, it is difficult to single out a specific author or people who first created the first horoscope. Astrology and horoscopes have evolved over the millennia in various cultures.
Various ancient civilizations observed and interpreted celestial phenomena in different ways.
Several key stages in the formation:

Stars in the Service of Man
Mesopotamia: At the very beginning of the astrological epic on Earth, Mesopotamians looked up and saw constellations united by lines of invisible networks. Their astrologers noted the movements of planets and stars and tracked which ones appeared above the horizon at certain times of the year. So the first horoscope was born.

Ancient Egypt: The ancient Egyptians also kept a close eye on the stars. They associated stars with gods, planets with deities, and developed calendars based on the movement of the luminaries. The image of the zodiac constellations was born here.

Zodiac in Culture and Philosophy
Ancient Greece: The Greeks gave the zodiac a philosophical and characterological meaning. Each of the 12 zodiac signs has become a representation of certain character traits. Here for the first time there was a connection between the position of the stars and individual destiny.
Rome and Astrology: The Romans inherited Greek astrology and added their own views. The time of birth became fateful, and astrologers read horoscopes to predict the future.

Zodiac in the Cultures of the East
China: China formed its own system of astrology based on the years and cycles of animals. Each year is associated with a specific animal sign, giving special importance to the year of birth.
India: Ancient Indians created Jyotish — an astrological system in which 12 zodiac signs are associated with planets and influence the fate of a person.

The number of 12 zodiac signs has ancient roots and is associated with astronomical and cultural observations of various ancient civilizations.
Here are some of the main factors that could affect the formation of the 12 zodiac signs:
Lunar Months: One of the important astronomical cycles for ancient people was the lunar month. The year was divided into about 12 lunar months, and this number could become the basis for dividing the zodiac into 12 parts.

Solar Year: The Earth year is determined by solar cycles, and it can be divided into 12 equal parts, called zodiac signs. This is due to the Earth’s rotation around the Sun.
Planets: Ancient astronomers observed the movement of planets, the sun and the moon among the stars on the celestial sphere. Zodiac signs have become associated with specific planets and their impact on humans.

Cultural Symbols: Many ancient cultures used the symbolism of the number 12 in their myths and religious beliefs. For example, 12 was the number of apostles in the Christian tradition or the number of Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology.

Astrology and Astronomy: The development of astrology in ancient times played a role in the formation of the zodiac system. The division of the ecliptic into 12 equal parts was systematized by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus in the II century BC.

These factors combined could affect the formation of a system of 12 zodiac signs. Each sign represents a certain sector on the celestial sphere, which is associated with certain astronomical and cultural phenomena. Thus, the 12 signs of the zodiac became the basis for the interpretation of astrological characteristics and predictions.

Zodiac today
In the modern world, astrology and zodiac are often used in various spheres of life:

Astrological Horoscopes: Many people are interested in astrological horoscopes that provide individual predictions based on the position of planets and stars at the time of their birth. Horoscopes can include predictions in the field of personal life, career, health and many other aspects.

Daily horoscopes are also popular with 30% of Americans, they help in planning cases and important events.
Personal Development: Many people use astrology for personal development and self-knowledge. Zodiac signs and their characteristics can serve as a guide for a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as for working on personal growth.

Relationships and Compatibility: Astrology can play a role in analyzing the compatibility of zodiac signs in relationships. Certain zodiac signs are more compatible with each other, and using a compatibility test can help in finding a suitable partner.
For example, the fire zodiac signs and the water zodiac signs have different characteristics and compatibility, so checking for compatibility helps to understand other elements of the zodiac signs.

Event Planning: Some people prefer to plan their actions, events and important decisions based on the astrological calendar. They take into account the position of the planets when making important decisions.

Esotericism and Magic: For some practicing esotericists and magicians, astrology is an important tool. They can use astrological symbols and planetary energies in their magical and religious practice.

In modern society, zodiac and astrology continue to be an interesting and influential field for many people.
Despite the lack of scientific evidence and a wide range of opinions on this subject, astrology continues to play a role in personal philosophy and understanding of oneself and the world around us. More knowledge about yourself and your zodiac sign in the Aura app.
Secrets of the zodiac signs

Secrets of the zodiac signs
