What is Dental Bonding?

As per best dental clinic in Noida,Dental bonding is a type of cosmetic dentistry procedure that uses a tooth-coloured resin material to enhance the look of a tooth. This involves applying, shaping, and bonding the resin to address issues like chips, cracks, gaps, and discoloration. As per best dental clinic in Noida, The process includes tooth etching, using a bonding agent, layering composite resin, and shaping and polishing to achieve the desired appearance. As per best dental clinic in Noida, Dental bonding is a versatile and relatively straightforward solution for various cosmetic concerns, but its durability may not be as long-lasting as some other options. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring the condition of bonded teeth.

What is Dental Bonding?

What is Dental Bonding?


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