Brainwashed is born out of the need to find accessible tools for mental health, the journey of finding balance in life and deconstruct from everything we thought it was good for us or what we thought we knew about us.
Understanding the vision of Brainwashed took me the core of the project, wich was to help and accompany the journey with tools to help the evolution, cicles, deconstruction and the spirit of the user.
The color palette was guided by a cold hue. Colors represents and reflects differents emotions to our brains. Blue it's a color that inspires calmness, serenity and wisdom, connecting perfect with our brand value. Each color was named after the feeling it gives in context, making sure it contrast with the whole palette.
These where the preliminary proposals for the client, creating different kinds of logos and emblems based on the concept and the values of Brainwashed.
The Client decided to merge 2 logos to make the official Brainwashed image.
And this was the final proposal.
Along the logo came these two applications to make the logo responsive for every need.


