Made an upbeat anthem for Antique, a cool short video app like TikTok. Wrote the lyrics and voiced it too for their big launch.
Made a soothing song for Daman & Diu Tourism Department to welcome tourists after COVID. Wrote the lyrics and sang it.
Created a catchy jingle for Dhiraj Sons, a popular superstore brand, as part of their radio campaign. Crafted the lyrics and voiced it for the client.
Created a festive Diwali song for ShareChat's Diwali campaign, #DiwaliMojWali. Conceptualized the campaign and penned the lyrics for the song.
Created this ad for Maharashtra market with Swapnil Joshi focusing on the welcome bonus feature of the RummyCircle app. Client: Games24*7 
Created this ad for RummyCircle. (Bengal market)
Client: Games 24*7
Created and voiced this zero-budget in-house rap song for Flipkart SuperCoins on the occasion of Independence day.
Client: Patanjali
Product: Kesh Kanti Hair Oil
Campaign: #HastiKhiltiZunfonKaRaaz
Creative Work


Creative Work


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