Simon Miller's profile

17th Century redecor

A large recreation of a 17th century decorative panel for a client. It was easier to start from scratch than trying to find a hi res image with the right proportions. 
Initial Pencil sketch printed onto watercolor paper with gouache coloring.
Gouache base paint and highlights.
Kept the colors brighter than necessary for more flexibilty in photoshop.
Final photoshop version, 
Detail: Photoshop clean up and adjustments
Because of the large size 2 x1.5m , did this effect to recreate flat tempera paint.
Final vintaged print, I took a photo of an old peeling wall played with the exposition, inverted it and layered it over the image, 
Detail final image. Softened the edges using the pallette knife filter/
17th Century redecor

17th Century redecor

Art print for a client, another reverse technology project where I ended up painting what I needed to scan.
