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Aerial Exploration - Mapping Auroville's Hidden Canopy

Aerial Exploration - Mapping Auroville's Hidden Canopy
 Auroville, nestled in the Villupuram district, is undergoing a massive infrastructure upgrade across its 40 forests spanning over 4000 acres. Amidst this transformation, the Revelation Forest, covering 120 acres, became the focal point of an extraordinary drone survey project.

The Mighty Mini 2: Tasked by the forest steward, armed with a humble DJI Mini 2 drone (weighing under 250 grams), the challenge was set. The forest canopy proved a formidable barrier, limiting the drone's range to a mere 600-700 meters. Undeterred, the solution emerged: autonomous flight with meticulous image capture, all orchestrated with precision.

Dynamic Forest Dance: 
In the dense forest terrain, a dance ensued. Maneuvering within the limited drone range, the pilot (yours truly) traversed the Revelation Forest, ensuring a synchronized dance between drone and controller. Overcoming range limitations and battery constraints (with each survey requiring five batteries), the first hurdle was cleared.

Photogrammetry Magic: 
Armed with 1150 images captured in a strategic pattern, the next challenge was to bring them together. Employing the art of photogrammetry, these images seamlessly merged into a colossal orthomosaic. The final result, viewable on Google Earth Pro, unveiled the hidden beauty of Revelation Forest from above.

Expanding Horizons: 
The success of the pilot survey led to an invitation from Auroville Botanical Gardens to explore and survey additional forests. Over three months, 1700 acres of Auroville's lush landscapes were mapped, marking the evolution from simple orthomosaics to intricate GIS layers.

Spatial Artistry: 
Transitioning from a graphic design background, spatial data became a canvas. Open-source satellite data and Survey of India maps became tools for crafting not just maps but intricate layers - elevation contours, land boundaries, georeferenced management plans, and more.

The Journey Continues: 
What began as a challenging drone survey evolved into a journey of spatial exploration. This project not only enriched Auroville's understanding of its land but also transformed a graphic designer into a spatial storyteller.

Key Deliverables:
1. Orthomosaics
2. GIS Layers (Elevation, Boundaries, Land Management Plans)
3. Customized Maps
4. FMB Sketches from Government Data

From overcoming the limitations of a lightweight drone to providing invaluable spatial insights, this project exemplifies the fusion of technology, nature, and creative exploration. A journey that started with a forest survey has now become an ongoing narrative of spatial artistry in the heart of Auroville's green expanse.
Aerial Exploration - Mapping Auroville's Hidden Canopy


Aerial Exploration - Mapping Auroville's Hidden Canopy
