Motivação Azul - Novo Engenho Comunicação

O ser humano é motivado e motivador por natureza.

A motivação provoca, incentiva, encoraja. Somos desafiados todos os dias em suas atividades.
E muitas vezes, é a motivação (de origem interna e externa) que nos fazem cumpri-las com êxito.
Por isso, frases motivacionais desempenham um papel tão significativo em muito
aspectos e têm um impacto positivo em várias áreas da nossa vida.
E a partir dessa ideia nasceu o conceito dessa campanha.

Human beings are motivated and motivating by nature.

Motivation provokes, encourages. We are challenged every day in your activities.And often, it is motivation
(of internal and external origin) that makes us fulfill them successfully.That's why motivational phrases play
such a significant role in many aspects and have a positive impact on various areas of our lives.
And from this idea the concept of this campaign was born.


Utilizamos os diferentes sentimentos com frases motivacionais clássicas do dia a dia despertam
em homens. E provocamos essa reflexão para que eles usem estes sentimentos tão vivos e
fortes para serem o “empurrãozinho” que precisam para cuidarem se sua saúde, em
especial na prevenção ao câncer de próstata. Afinal, homens costumam dar
menos atenção à saúde e realizam menos consultas médicas.
Trouxemos, portanto, personagens de diversas idades, perfis e atividades diferentes,
alertando que a doença pode se manifestar em diferentes indivíduos, mostrando a
importância de ir ao médico, fazer exames preventivos em qualquer época do ano.
We use different feelings with classic motivational phrases from everyday men. And we provoke this reflection so that they use these feelings so alive andstrong enough to be the “little push” they need to take care of their health, inespecially in the prevention of prostate cancer. After all, men usually giveless health care and have fewer medical appointments.We therefore brought characters of different ages, profiles and different activities,warning that the disease can manifest itself in different individuals, showing theimportance of going to the doctor and taking preventive exams at any time of the year.


You are stronger than you imagine. Use this courage to take care of your health.
Prevent prostate cancer. See your doctor regularly. Take periodic exams. Your health is a priority.

Cooking is an act of affection. Use this dedication to take care of your health.
Prevent prostate cancer. See your doctor regularly. Take periodic exams. Your health is a priority.

Work while they sleep. Use this motivation to take care of your health.
Prevent prostate cancer. See your doctor regularly. Take periodic exams. Your health is a priority.

Strength, faith and focus! Use your discipline to take care of your health.
Prevent prostate cancer. See your doctor regularly. Take periodic exams. Your health is a priority.

What doesn't challenge you doesn't transform you.​​​​​​​ Use this focus to take care of your health.
Prevent prostate cancer. See your doctor regularly. Take periodic exams. Your health is a priority.



Motivação Azul - Novo Engenho Comunicação

Motivação Azul - Novo Engenho Comunicação

Prostate cancer awareness and prevention campaign, created by the Novo Engenho Comunicação agency. Human beings are motivated and motivating by Read More
