SweetBake: A Modern Bakery App
SweetBake Bakery wanted to create a mobile app to enhance their customers' experience, increase online sales, and improve brand visibility. The challenges included:
Outdated User Experience: The existing website lacked user-friendly navigation and modern design.
Limited Online Presence: SweetBake had minimal online visibility, hindering their ability to reach a broader audience.

To address these challenges, I led a comprehensive redesign of their digital presence, focusing on a mobile app to connect with their customers better.
Design Process

1) User Research
Conducted surveys and in-person interviews with bakery customers to understand their preferences.
Researched competitor apps to identify industry trends and user expectations.
Image 1: User research-gathering insights from bakery customers
2) Information Architecture
Redesigned the app's information architecture for intuitive navigation and improved user flow.
Created wireframe to visualize the new structure.
3) Visual Design
Crafted a visually appealing UI while maintaining consistency with the bakery's branding.
Developed high-fidelity wireframes to showcase the new design.
Image 3: Visual design - high fidelity wireframes

The redesigned SweetBake Bakery app delivered remarkable results:
Improved User Experience: Users appreciated the simplified navigation, leading to a 30% increase in average session duration.
Online Sales Growth: Online orders surged by 50%, significantly boosting the bakery's revenue.
Enhanced Brand Visibility: The app increased SweetBake's online presence, attracting a broader audience and new customers.
Key Takeaways

User-Centered Design: Understanding user preferences and needs is critical for creating a successful bakery app.
Cross-Platform Development: Using a cross-platform framework is a cost-effective way to reach a wider audience.
E-commerce Integration: Seamlessly integrating e-commerce capabilities can drive substantial sales growth.
Sweet Bake

Sweet Bake


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