Carlos Esquivel's profile

Environmental Portrait

Environmental Portrait
For this assignment we are tasked to get together with a classmate, to get to know them and take some pictures of them. The pictures of our classmate are to be of something they enjoy doing, such as a hobby or something they do every day such as their job. But we cannot take pictures of them in the process of doing their hobby or job. It is more of a photo shoot in which I would have to pose them in the environment they are in. The classmate I was paired up with is Alicia Alvarez. Getting to know Alicia I learned that she works at a swap meet on the weekends, she raises chickens and loves to rollerblade. Out of the options I had I decided to do my pictures of her in her rollerblades. We met up at a park and I was able to take some photos of her. As I mentioned before in another assignment, I am not the best when it comes to posing a person for pictures. Personally, I prefer to take pictures of people doing things naturally. With that being said... I feel as though Alicia saved my pictures and my assignment. Overall, I had a wonderful time getting to know Alicia and spending time with her taking pictures. These pictures were taken with a Canon EOS 6D DSLR camera.  
Environmental Portrait

Environmental Portrait
