Clap Global

Clap Global, a unique cultural platform enabled international travellers to visit local school classrooms and engage in meaningful and eye-opening conversations with students.

Through matching of available dates and city, an international traveller or foreign resident in India was instantly matched with a local classroom. Clap aims to build a whole new generation that is far more compassionate towards personal, social and cultural differences.
An academic timeline of a child from nursery to grade 10,  visualised with Clap Global.
Clap Map : Showing Clap Talks active in India (blue) and 129 countries from where travellers arrived into classrooms (yellow).
Communication that travellers saw in hostels, hotels and on their social media timelines.
A Clap Traveller’s dashbobard.
The Clap Curriculum©

Clap’s 15 level global competence curriculum divided into 5 age-groups, has been validated by educationists, curriculum setters (In India, USA, Finland and Chile) and advisors to UNICEF and UNESCO.
Children get to learn about different cultures through real stories and real people, and gradually develop an understanding of the world that is deeper than popular stereotypes. And travellers get to witness a slice of real life in a foreign land while making an actual difference to the lives of the people they meet.
Clap Global’s communication to schools across India in partnership with magazines and through direct marketing.
Clap Global

Clap Global
