Going to election campaign (PL: IDĘ NA #WYBO23)

Action Democracy is a non-governmental organization that runs campaigns on various social issues. In 2023, the organization entrusted us to create a get-out-the-vote campaign, motivating participation in the parliamentary elections.

The main goal of the campaign was to encourage local communities and young city residents to vote. We opted for a counterpoint to the prevalent narrative surrounding the elections, which was based on negative slogans (against a party, politician, or views). We chose to speak about democracy in a cheerful, colorful, and fun way, promoting the right to vote as a cool shared responsibility that is worth fulfilling.   
The campaign was also meant to represent the voice of citizens. Based on surveys and polls, selected slogans appeared in printed materials: banners, pennants, banners, posters, flags, and stickers. Our materials appeared at mass demonstrations and served local electoral headquarters.

We created a website featuring content related to the upcoming elections, accompanied by motivational animations and photos submitted by individuals joining the campaign. T-shirts with the key visuals became a focal point of the campaign – visible on the streets and on social media. We also made materials available for download – over the following months, hundreds of banners appeared on private windows and fences across Poland.


The campaign culminated with approx. 600 outdoor media spots across Poland, featuring our key graphics, and the production of a newspaper with a circulation of 120,000 copies distributed in student campuses, dormitories, and clubs.  

On October 15, 2023, we achieved the highest voter turnout in the history of the Third Polish Republic – over 74%. Notably, there was a historic participation of young voters. The campaign gained visibility in domestic and international media; our materials were featured in articles in The Guardian and dw.com, as well as on TV broadcasts on TVN24 and Arte.tv.
+ Client
Akcja Demokracja 

+ Scope
key visual / copywriting / web design / editorial / production supervision

+ Team
Filip Tofil (art direction)
Urszula Tofil (illustrations / editorial)
Katarzyna Granica (motion design)
Koncept 404 (web development) 

+ Year

+ Documentation
thanks to Akcja Demokracja, AMS, Drukarnia Agora, Jetline 
and all the democracy enthusiasts

+ Mentioned in the media

+ Special thanks
(for providing of external out of home media spaces for our project 
in the last weeks of the election) 

©Syfon Studio 2023. Our website link here

Going to election campaign (PL: IDĘ NA #WYBO23)