Stefan Jud's profile

Digital Artwork | Fraktale

"Not everything in our universe behaves as expected. Some phenomena, like freezing water to ice behave against expectation. These interrupts in linear calculated behavior are called convergencies. Why does water freeze and don't just gets thicker and thicker like we'd expect? These convergencies are proving, there will never be a simple world formula." - Stefan Jud  
The description "Rendered Digital Artworks Based On Fractal Algorithms" states exactly what happend: the images are calculated. But the expectation of havingn a computer-calculating and doing all the work instead doing it by myself is wrong.
Fractal algorithms are the driving force behind these images. These algorithms generate pattern - each iteration of them generates a more advanced more fine and more detailed pattern. The pattern themself are 3-dimensional and are in a first step placed in on a 3D-Array. Afterwards, multiple of these algorithms put together in a single big formula, parametrised and then computed. After 10'000s of iterations, the algorithm produces a fractale image of pure beauty.
As some might remember from their calculus-studies; even small changes will have a big effect on the end result if the calculation takes many iterations. Changing the parameters of these fractal algorithms only slightly, destroys sometimes carefully prepared build-ups. Its always a very long process, until an image ike "OPEN WARP CORE" is created.

There are many ways of creating a fusion. The most well know, the Tomahak way consists of a magnetic field which drives the ultra-hot-plasma around. Keeping it in a controllable state. The images core shows the fusion itself, while the surroundings symbolise the magnetic field, which tries to move and at the same time stabilise this million degree hot process - but with todays technique, even though we spend billions, still failing to keep it burning.

This pattern reminded me of a strictly symetric fractal I once saw in India. 
This image is a fractal version of a cell. It's core lying in the midle, the strange containments around it saving the cell core's precious freight, the DNA,  from harm.

An eagle build entierly of fast-then-light tachyons. A kind of particles which is only assumed to exist in the quantum-loop-theory. But who knows; almost 90% of our universums content (dark matter and energy) refuses to be visible.. we don0t know whats out there.
Digital Artwork | Fraktale

Digital Artwork | Fraktale

.. a try to make some outstanding artwork with just calculated pattern
