Seagulls is a small indie project I am currently working on, it is still in the development stage.
UI in the game is stylized and made in bright colors and forms to be a friendly fit for people with color blindness.
In a game when the projectiles hit the target. You get combo points for each additional target you hit
In the Hud, you will have 3 different types of tools. 1. Slingshot to clear of enemies. 2. Waterhose to clean the bird guana on the raft. 3. Repair tools for reparation of the raft.
When all birds are cleared you will finish the wave. The number of waves is endless, which is the core of the endless runner game loop.
When you wait for next wave you will be able to upgrade your raft and slingshot. (Shop is currently under construction)
Current in-game components.
LoFi sketch of the Hud in-game. Some elements are kept after testing, while others are not.
Each tool at your disposal has extra resources, that are connected to it and require attention. The amount of water that is left for cleaning the raft from guana or the charge speed of the slingshot
Early concept art of the game.
Seagulls - UX/UI

Seagulls - UX/UI
