Aspaclaria Business Card
This Is It! Chanukah 2009
This is one of my favorite ads as it contains two stunning photos of my children and the lighting on them work wonderfully well to reflect the shine coming off the menorah onto their faces.  
This ad is a take off on the theme from the Michael Jackson Ad based on the requests from my client, and has a number of Judaica items embedded and clipped into the shape of a menorah. The flames were produced by special plug-ins in Photoshop and then transferred to XARA.  It was used as a large bus stop ad in a few places around the North Miami Beach area.
Time for Your Own Megillah
This beautiful ad was done with a photo done by myself in our workshop, using multiple takes.  This perspective was chosen to match more closely to the overall look and feel of this ad.  Font was also chosen to ad to the "older" sepia style look.
Time for Your Own Megillah
This beautiful ad was done with a photo done by myself in our workshop, using multiple takes.  This perspective was chosen to match more closely to the overall look and feel of this ad.  Font was also chosen to ad to the "older" sepia style look.
Making Wine A Gift
This ad concept was to highlight a new item of purchasing wine as gift for the holidays.
Floating Judaica Art
This ad shows the use of colors, fonts and graphics depicting clouds to accentuate the idea of floating.
Video Chat Service
This ad depicts the clear advantage over shopping online via video chat service.
Judaica & Chocolate
This ad depicts an introduction of a partnering of two companies.  A delicious looking ad if I say so myself.
Passover Viking
Getting a viking to look Jewish wasn't easy.  Using a Passover plate as a shield was clever. The "Thin Matzah" design was original.
Easy Fast Ad
Clever ad the shows a bent fork and spook with an empty plate in the background.
No Matter How You Slice It
This ad's title and picture, succinctly shows the stores wide range of merchandise. 
Washing In Style
This ad utilized multiple images of washing cups that were enhanced using Photoshop and then brought into XARA Extreme.  Since there were multiple cups, the challenge was how to show all of them.  I decided on using something that would show a flow of cups on a background of light colored marble texture, giving a feeling of water flowing.  The embellishments on the top wording were to convey both beauty and style without over powering the feel.  The gold tag for the sale was to match the overall gold highlights of the cups as well.
Time for Coffee 
The background was a given a warm wood style to match the motif of coffee and its rich warm feeling it evokes.  The title used a font that was somewhat playful, relaxing, yet sophisticated for coffee drinkers.  The sun for the Summer Hours was placed to draw attention to this section.  Coffee beans were added later for better effect.
Chanukah in the Palm of Your Hand
This is one of my best ads as it contained my favorite elements of an Apple iPod and Chanukah.  All the app icons were original and the overall look tried to stay within the look of an Apple like ad.  The hand was a separate image that took much time and effort both to find and to manipulate. The dreidel look also took some considerable effort.  Overall it is a clean and well designed ad.
Chanukah in the Palm of Your Hand
One of my best ads as it contained my favorite elements of an Apple iPod and Chanukah.  All the app icons were original and the overall look tried to stay within the look of an Apple like ad.  The hand was a separate image that took much time and effort both to find and to manipulate. The dreidel look also took some considerable effort.  Overall it is a clean and well designed ad.
Matrix Studio
This ad contains the concept of creating new life.  
The photo of the little girl was from a photo-shoot that I did of my daughter.
Warning! Extreme Satisfaction (Radio Ad WIOD)
This was a radio ad idea that I generated based on something I saw on the back of a Lifetime plastic chair.
Judaica, We Got You Covered!
This particular ad required my expertise in both photography and masking.  We chose as a subject, a well known teacher and educator in our community, Dr. Laz.  This photo was then used as part of an expensive billboard ad campaign during the stores initial opening.


This work was done on behalf of AspaClaria Judaica
