Zsolt Szemerszky's profile

Creating Business Value

 Creating Business Value  
ISBN: 978-1-4478-7067-8 written byZsolt Szemerszky 
 About Creating Business Value book 

Having spent 16 years in the business as revenue specialist and business process modeller, the author Zsolt Szemerszky decided to collect the keys that led to his success into this book.

The Creating Business Value is an ultimate guideline from the National Quality Prize winner Zsolt.
All the basic philosophies of Zsolt are collected into the Creating Business Value book. 


Thorsten Mueller Project M, Sustainable Farm, hOw Brasil
“Reading his work - and the importance of it - I must say that his book sure is one of books i would highly recommend - to any company which takes its values to another level - we all should take as an example.. 
Well done and and it was / is an honor to be connected to you.”

Guy Lucas de Peslouan Photographe, Artsight
“Zsolt is a great Manager. 
His approach of business value is very pertinent. Lot of people should read his book and could discover a new way to make business. Congratulations.”
Wlad Lopatinsky CEO - Slepovron Global
“I strongly recommend Zsolt's work with Ebooks. I had a great pleasure and opportunity in using them. Zsolt's knowledge of his topics is second to none. Great work.”
Atheling P.Reginald Mavangira
“Revenue Specialist at R.I.A.B.O. International Ltd. He is a very exciting individual to work with.
Top qualities: Expert, Creative”

“I would like to endorse and highly recommend Zsolt Szemerszky and his E-Book for Creating Business Value. It is the most comprehensive, best practical guide published to date. This E-Book presents 
professional secrets and guidelines for development and success in a win, win format! It is a must-have for any business professional.”

Roberto Pino Real Estate Agent
“I have reached superlative results in my marketing business after reading Zsolt's suggestions in his book “Creating Business Value” E-Book. It was amazing the way it helped me to realize which mistakes I was doing by not properly communicating to my targeted clients. 
I recommend very much this person and his highly professional way to help you at reasonable cost. 
Top qualities: Great Results, Creative”
Ivan Jorge Bravo Herrera
“Highly recommend Mr, Zsolt Szemerszky, which has developed good projects, doing a good job
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert”

Dedra Allen President, Cash for Notes
“Zsolt Szemerszky has done it again! He has written a book that will add a new focus to your business approach and marketing campaigns. I highly recommend it as a fresh tool with proven techniques for success in your business.”
Frank Dammers Owner, F.Dammers Fine Art / Gallery 1951
“Zsolt Szemerszky is a hard working and very creative person he is intelligent and has very good ideas about different business questions and can help you out. Also he has an eye for other poor people see the world project from Zsolt.”
Krissy Quirke Actress, Toronto Pictures
“After reviewing Zsolt's book, I found it to be very inspiring and helpful in the work field. His knowledge is quite intense and seems to have a great variety of subjects to address. recommended reading for any business opportunist.”
Torsten Nagengast Owner, Timekeeper Chronometrie
“Zsolt Szemerszky is serious and professional in doing business. 
This points are important to make business possible and workable !”

Kevin Chan Sales Executive, DTZ
“Zsolt is a detail-oriented manager who are able to work like a eagle once targeted would met the predefined strategic objective ultimately.”

Dedra Allen QuickLinkCapitol
“Zsolt Szemerszky is hardworking, persistent in getting results and a pure pleasure to work with. I would want him to run my corporate decisions and represent my interests. He has shown integrity beyond measure. I highly recommend him in any situation.”
Lord David Prosser Founder, The Buthidars
“Zsolt is one of those rare individuals who excels at everything. In his case, apart from the racing and the writing and the advising he also excels at that rarity...being nice. 
The book he has written is excellent,
A wonderful uplifting book that should serve as an inspiration to all those with dreams. A sad indictment on those who don't dream and try to spoil life for those who do.”
Amy Polling Amy Polling's Bohemian Fine Art
“While reading this book, the tears were really falling down my face.. 
As an artist myself, I so well understand, the torments & endless intense struggles that Dodo must have gone through....the rejection of family & “friends”...and, the feelings of absolute despair and loneliness... Surrounding ourselves with our secret dreams, is a way to escape from the hard reality and to keep on fighting for our goal in life, that gives us meaning and happiness.. 

Zsolt, I am really grateful to you for letting me read the book; it is written brilliantly and with love....your words have touched me and even moved me into tears; my sincere compliments to a wonderful Artist and Human Being, Dodo....and, to you; for translating the intense feelings of an Artist, into an Unique Creation of Words in “The Inspirationalist”..!!!”
Wahid Gabriel Boctor President and founder, OCTV
“Great concept and cant wait to see the film finished. 

Subhash Verma chairman, TRAVEL PLUS
“I highly recommend and endorse this book as have gone thru the contents and are very relevant and the need of the hour globally”

Jeanette Perez Speaker of The Power Of Faith, JP International Negotiators
“I love your book, very, very accurate.” 
“The book is worth to read by everybody.”

Alexander von Gimbut Student, Thunderbird School of Global Management
“Excellent read - highly recommend it”
Sergio Ariel Torres Rodriguez
“Zsolt is Profesional excelent.
Top qualities: Expert, Creative”

Sören Moberg
“Top qualities: Great Results, Good Value, Creative!”
Shan Saeed Managing Director, Dita Advisory Services
“Zsolt book is an excellent edition to the erudite readers who are looking for a material that adds wisdom and insight to their knowledge. I would highly recommend this book to readers at all levels.......”
Dan Pastorini Owner, DPast7, Inc.
“Very well organized and understands the business extremely well.” 

Dana Blanchard President, Blanchard Groups
“I worked with Zsolt with on many project in USA and Europe. I recommend his valuable business instincts and honesty. He exhibits creative ideas in art, luxury and branding that produce excellent returns for partners and investors.”

 Sample Chapters 
One of the most basic and important business rule is that you are responsible for all your decisions, success or failures. Only you!

However hard it is you can not blame the external factors. We are in the same business jungle and the rules are the same for all of us. No exceptions. It is all upon you if you will survive or not. It is all upon you if you will be a Rabbit or you will become a Tiger. Now days the business is your jungle, your playground.

If you do not like to be a Rabbit then change it. You are the master of your destiny. Do not blame others, that's the game of losers and cowards.

Never blame outside factors, never say what could be if... You need to focus only on what you can do now with all your assets. You need to bring out the best as much as possible from your current, existing knowledge, assets.

Economy, politics, weather, your neighbor, etc... it is easy to blame these factors for your failure, but believe it or not these factors influence also your competition not only you.

You can not change these factors, just as you can not change the politics. You need to accept them, acknowledge the rules and go forward towards your aims. Sitting and waiting for the changes is equal with suicide because you will lose the control over things.
The only enemy of a business is money. We are living in a terrible status of continuous effect, the media and marketing world revolves just around money, humanity has become dependent on money. However money is manipulated! 
Through the work of banks and stock market also money has become a commodity and has become separated from the original value of the product or service, so this way money can be manipulated to gain profit. Money in itself has no value at all! Its value used to be determined by the product or service we get in return as an exchange for money. 
Today the concept of money and the economy is fused. Unfortunately, the economic crisis is nothing more than the crisis of money, which is capable to pull with itself also the economy. We need to do two basic things in order to rise above the crisis: to create value and focus on the social capital, which means we need to take off our focus from the money!
The age of dinosaurs has expired and the world of marketing and sales approach is changing almost every year. The old methods are not effective and the focus is no longer on  the  product and the service itself, but on creating value and achieving trust. We need to dust off our old knowledge   and   develop new guidelines within our companies, businesses. 
Our aim is to keep alive the continuously  changing  mind-set in the business ventures of our partners, as the company name initials indicates, our objective is no other than: Increasing Revenue and Business Optimization.
More than 10 years of market research has showed that there are basically five things that every business is strongly influenced by in its life, and which is not money!
1.  Defining the target group 
2.  Creating value
3.  Positioning 
4.  Appropriate marketing campaign 
5.  Utilizing social capital, networking
By applying adequately these points revenue growth is easily achieved so the revenue, cash flow increases as well. However, it is important to understand that when developing the above points the primary consideration is not money, but the corresponding value creation and correct communication towards our ideal target group.
In addition to the entertainment  electronics, marketing is the world's second fastest-growing business. It is especially interesting that 70% of people working in the marketing segment do not know what marketing is. It is almost a trend of today that everyone is competent in everything, so that specialization has disappeared. Marketing is not equal to the PR or sales tasks, functions.  
Real marketing is not a simple  advertisement. Real marketing is to catch the attention of your well-defined target    group. If you just put advertisements into some magazines it is the same as hunting blindly. If you stay at the border of the forest where you want to hunt, and you shoot with eyes closed into the trees maybe you will hit an animal. But the chance you hit is very small...  
The PR is not about press releases! It is the same case in marketing as it is in PR. If your promotion, campaign does not create, generate reactions then you throw your money out of the window. RULE: The main task of the PR is to generate reaction! Today the companies measure the PR values by Kilograms... The PR companies fill up 5-10 folders with press releases and advertisements... Who cares about the results? Who cares about the revenues? Only YOU!!!! When you have started a co-operation  with  a PR company you wanted more incoming money, not more costs for yourself... If we see the results from this point, from your owner point of view, then you can ask whether the 10 folders you received have given any results for you? No.
The number one task of marketing is defining the target group and the  building of confidence. The target group is the minority who is interested in your offer and who interest you as well. Naturally you can have more target groups as well.
Trust is particularly important in the case  of  marketing, we call this credibility. This can help to measure, that if we say something how our target group will agree on it and receive it. Trust must be earned!
If you already have a target group who trusts you, you can gain a significant advantage during every marketing campaign.
But it is not enough to just define your target group, because without marketing you will loose your target group. This is the tricky part...  
Marketing generates people who are interested in your product or solution. (And the sales people will close the deal.)
Creating value in simple terms means creating products or services that people WANT!
Some years ago a huge new market has opened to us through the Internet. We overcame the invincible and were able to communicate our products to places which were unimaginable before. Distances disappeared and suddenly huge choices of products appeared. It became increasingly easier to make business, particularly in the area of trade and by now anyone can start their own web shop in almost an hour. New opportunities have opened  up  for  cheaters,  and  the previous confidence has turned over to mistrust. The  new technologies  unfortunately bring with themselves new abuses. Because of the daily scam letters or the time wasters, who want nothing more than to collect ideas, to   benchmark, serious suspicions arose that has set back the intentions of the customers as well. Therefore, it is not  enough  if  the  product is just good. The value has always been a relative concept, which is based on the personal judgement of the customer. The real product has never an absolute value, a product is worth as much as the buyer is willing to pay for it in exchange. All you need to achieve for this is for the customer to want the product.
The customer is capable to do only one thing, to bargain excellently. This is what the business life has taught the customer. If the same product is sold in more places, the customer will buy it where it is the cheapest. If you want to avoid that customers compare your prices, then show them that there are other considerations, criteria as well. This is what we call customer teaching. The aim is to show our customers that what they are buying is not a price tag, it is much more than that. 
It is very important to remember that everyone can see the price of the  product but not its value! We need to show and teach the value of the product in all cases.
The best is if we are able to add a plus to the product, which makes it unique, makes it more than its competitors and we offer them to those who have needs for exactly these pluses, who want exactly these products with their added values.
Anything can be sold to someone if he wants it even though he does not need it, but nothing can be sold that he does not want even if he needs it. The key is to find out what your client wants and to serve this need, since the value is no other than the fact of how much they want your product. It is worth  asking  your customers what they want, what is most needed, what problems they face, then look at how your services, products help them and put the emphasis onto the problems, so that your customers see that they need this product, that they WANT it. If you do this well, then you have also almost positioned your product.
The history of positioning goes back to the 1970s, it is possible to find a lot of ways since then how it has been used. But what does the word "positioning" mean? I try to demonstrate it to you with a few questions:  
1., Who was the first man on the Moon?
Ok. Maybe it is easy, but who was the second? Do you know? No?! No  problem, let's go forward...  
2., Who was the first person who flew over the Atlantic Ocean? 
Let me help you: Charles Lindbergh. And who was the second? Do you know? No?! No problem, let's go forward...  
3., What is the highest mountain in the World? 
Mount Everest. And the second one? Etc...  
I hope you understand now the real meaning of positioning. People usually remember only the best, the first One. If you want to be successful in your PR, you have to place your product or  solution to the first place in the mind of your target group.  
If your product is not in the first place, you will loose a big potential market.
Never focus on the money, because the real power lies in the value, which is represented by your products or solutions. If you have learned to create value, then you still have further tasks since you need to sell your products or solutions.
If your PR is successful, then you have created value for your target group, that is you have well-positioned your product or solution. The next task for marketing is to look for your potential buyers, customers, who want your products, services. The sales performs the closing process, it makes it possible for your customers to buy from You. 
The PR, marketing and sales functions should never be mixed up. Although one does not exist without the other, it is necessary to separate them and to know which is responsible for what, what is the end result we expect from each of them.
People want a product that has had a good PR, so it's easy to find out its potential circle of customers, the sales is just one simple step after this. Many companies, businesses commit an error that they only focus on the sales, while it carries out the least work within the work process. The actual work begins in the reverse way.
Writing the right marketing text is one of the most difficult step during the marketing planning campaigns.
One of the most important thing when writing the marketing text is to try to describe the same thing as if we would be discussing it personally. If this is done then it just has to be combined and you are ready for the  advertisement. 
It is very important that we dare to write why the product or service is good for the target people, and what they need to do to make the products or services theirs. You should not be afraid to ask from the clients/customers or even to give instructions to them.  
If your clients are contacted through the Internet or direct mail marketing campaign, the so-called Borden's formula can be a very useful thing. This comes from Richard C. Borden, head of New York University. He used this formula to originally make his classes more exciting, but it is perfect for attracting attention in offers, advertisements, letters.
1., "Who cares...."
Say something that will make the other look up, that will erase the other's  indifference or carelessness and will make them immediately look up at you, will take you into consideration.  
2., "Why am I talking about this"
 Explain why it is important for the OTHER, why you want to talk or write to him or her. After this, tell your "story" very shortly, aiming to the point.  
3., "For example...."
Tell the Other person one or more real life examples that illustrate and make your point more realistic.  
4., "So what?"
Help the other Person get to the conclusion that you want him or her to get: why is it good, important for him or her, etc. if he or she does what you are asking him or her.  
The Borden formula is a very efficient method, but you should never forget that writing marketing and                   advertisement texts is a separate profession. There are still lots of other tricks and methods, with which you can continuously develop your base of knowledge.
The only important thing in marketing campaigns, promotional materials and marketing texts is that they              communicate. They should be personal and should communicate that they are a great opportunity for the person who is reading them and that they have been written exactly for him or her.
One of the greatest marketing method, which is undoubtedly the most effective marketing is the so-called recommendation or reference marketing.
Acquiring a new customer, client in all cases is a matter of trust. The customer who buys does it because he is confident that the product serves his interests and it makes his life easier, or it fulfills his desire. The point is that the purchase is always a matter of trust.
The high-quality products have in itself PR value, but it has to be made known to the outside world. The most effective marketing method for this is if we ask for so-called recommendations from our existing partners, clients. A product or service recommended by a client in all cases supports trust, however you should not forget that there are countless recommendations.
The goal is nothing more than to achieve, that our current customers offer our products, being consciously messengers of our business.
We must be conscious in the communications and we have to reach that our customers recommend our products, so that we can build a new communication line with the contact network of our clients.
The only effective method of this is if we build our marketing model in three dimensions. If we pay attention to our partners' needs and gain their trust, then the win-win-win business situation will be developed. 
So it is easy to see that the root of the most successful reference marketing is the communication, conversation, continuous keeping in touch. It is important that it is no longer the product that matters but the man   himself, his values. We will see that connection is equal to bond, which is equal to several more recommendations. If we pay attention to our partners, this process will be very much an automatic one and we will have a completely new "sales" team.
Its strength is unbelievable when a person recommends a product or service who understands us and whom we trust. 90% of these recommendations end with buying.
The world has changed radically over the years. In the past the world was in the hands of those who could offer a good product. Now-days the world is in the hands of those who have the right clients, customers, even if they have no products or services at all. The biggest value in business is the client, the customer.
In today's world the secret to successful business lies in the appropriate human relations, connections.
The book continues with other chapters...

 Where to buy? 
The Creating Business Value book is available at:
Creating Business Value

Creating Business Value

Having spent 16 years in the business as revenue specialist and business process modeller, the author Zsolt Szemerszky decided to collect the key Read More


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