Frontier Alliance International's profile

Jesus’ Core Message of Love in Washing His Disciples’

Frontier Alliance International (FAI) is a Christian nonprofit that provides material, medical, and spiritual support to various organizations around the globe, particularly those facing persecution and war in the Middle East. One defining plank of Frontier Alliance International is following the words and deeds of Jesus Christ, explored in an August 2023 FAI blog article.

After washing the feet of his disciples Jesus, troubled in spirit, declared that one would deny Him and another betray Him. Feeling this psychic wound deeply, he delivered the commandment, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Thus, forgiveness became a hallmark of Jesus’ teaching and still stands out amidst the persistent revenge culture of ancient Jerusalem and our current society.

Unfortunately, for many Christians, there is a broad chasm between ideals and behavior. To embrace someone who sins against one or one’s deeply held beliefs is a hard gap to bridge. Jesus recommends this path, as the enemy who has stopped and listened has the potential to become a brother. For those who do not listen, it pays to bring along witnesses who can at least establish, through credible evidence, the dialogue as it unfolded.

For contemporary Christians, the message is that believers in Christ don’t have the privilege of avoiding healthy confrontation. Nor are they allowed to hold on to festering hatred of others and harbor negative thoughts. Instead, the proper course is paying respect to one’s critics and enemies by going to them directly and addressing the issue rather than “hanging their dirty laundry out for others.” Confronting with love, gentleness, and compassion opens a pathway for change and understanding.
Jesus’ Core Message of Love in Washing His Disciples’

Jesus’ Core Message of Love in Washing His Disciples’
