Triplex Model Shoe
We were required to create a 1:1 scale triplex model of a footwear item of our choice using nothing but triplex and glue. This was to be done in three parts. Activity 1 - a full replica of the shoe, Activity 2 - a sectioned model of the shoe, Activity 3 - a mould of the shoe. The models needed to be as similar to the original shoe as possible, that included the size, scale as well as the fine details. We gained knowledge of reverse engineering, pattern forming and the importance of size and scale. These models had to display great attention to precision and neatness.
Process Photos
Activity 1: Full Model Shoe
We were required to create an exact duplicate of our original shoe at this project phase. Replicating our shoe form using triplex was required, and it was more difficult than one might imagine. Every small detail, down to the stitching on a shoe, had to be duplicated. Triplex is a difficult material to bend without creating creases. As a result, we had to come up with new triplex forms. When attempting to duplicate the shoe, the key consideration was form.
Activity 2: Section Model
Similar to the previous step, this one also required us to construct a replica shoe model, but this time we also had to split the shoe and display every feature on the interior of the shoe. Since we also need to display every internal feature at this stage, detail is more crucial. In reality, this is a more challenging Triplex model, but it appears to be simpler.
Activity 3: Tooling Block
Our final objective was to construct a box that could accommodate a mould of your shoe. This is similar to creating a half-shoe mould that you might pour a liquid into to create a half-shoe mould. In order to create the mould, we had to reverse what we had seen in the first and second moulds during this process. Every feature, including the sole detail, has been inverted.
Final Models 
Project Reflection
The unique project of making 1:1 scale shoes and moulds from triplex pushed our design limits. It helped me recognise that, although something may appear challenging at first, it becomes easier when you sit down, reflect, and consider how to put what you have learned into practise. It required a balance of patience and accuracy, as well as providing as a reminder that using unusual materials can open up new creative possibilities
Triplex Model Shoe

Triplex Model Shoe
