Madalena Marques's profile

Córtex Film Festival / web design

Redesigning a website was a requirement for finishing my high school art education. I chose to focus on CÓRTEX, a short film festival that takes place in Sintra, Portugal. I selected this event because it embodies culture and diversity with few limitations, all within the realm of the cinematic universe and experience.

Recognizing the crucial role of montage in cinema and drawing inspiration from Eastern European experimental films of the 1930s-50s, I centered my concept around the idea that cinema is an art of "cut and paste together," a form of collage. This concept was reflected in the visual elements and graphics of the website, featuring playful surrealist collages. Alongside a complementary color scheme and an original layout, the goal was to convey the festival's values and atmosphere effectively.

The entire website was created from scratch, using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. I gathered existing information from CÓRTEX's official website and social media platforms, reorganized it, and produced and designed all the remaining elements to align with the new concept. Additionally, I ensured the website's responsiveness, making it mobile-friendly.

Thank you for watching!

This was an academic project developed for a course at my former high school, Escola Artística Soares dos Reis, on the academic year of 2016/2017.

Córtex Film Festival / web design


Córtex Film Festival / web design
