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Final evidence of US extraterrestrial cooperation

Final package of documentary evidence of USA extraterrestrial cooperation
Due to the fact that the ArtsStation introduced censorship on these documents, then I publish them here
From the sci-fi documents I have created, you will see that almost all high-tech technologies from the 80s that emerged in the United States are the result of reverse engineering by scientific laboratories such as DARPA, as well as a number of IT corporations such as Apple, Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Nvidia, etc.

However, most of the crucial extraterrestrial technologies like brain and body implants, nanites, medical equipment, real AI (not the pseudo version like modern neural networks), and military technologies like force fields and anti-gravity effectors are still impossible to create at the moment.

To create these extraterrestrial technologies, it is necessary to establish special factories in space under zero gravity conditions, as the production of a crystalline core for true AI requires the absence of gravitational interference.

Additionally, most extraterrestrial technologies require materials and metals that can only be obtained from asteroid fields or the cores of dead planets. And these metals and materials still need to be discovered and learned how to use.

In these documents, you will also see what technologies will be created on Earth in the next 1000 years for the expansion into the Galaxy.

This will require time and money, a lot of time and a lot of money. It will also require a large number of people with an intelligence level above 200 units, which is the engineering minimum. Typically, these individuals make up no more than 2% of the population. And these people need to be sought out and engaged in the work on the project of Earth's Expansion into space. 

For All Mankind.

Final evidence of US extraterrestrial cooperation


Final evidence of US extraterrestrial cooperation
